Saibam tudo sobre a primeira guerreira do Sistema Solar:
First Senshi Name: セーラーマーキュリー
First Senshi Name: Sailormercury
Second Senshi Name: Super Sailormercury

Blood Type: A
Height: 5'2" (estimate)
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Birthday: September 10
Age: 13-14 in Season 1, 16 in Season 5
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Planet: Mercury
Planet Info: Closest planet to the sun, second smallest in the solar system.
Mythology: In Roman mythology, Mercury was the messanger of the gods. In Greek mythology, his counterpart was Heremes who had winged sandels and carried the Caduceus (the symbol that is now used for medicine).
Castle: Mariner Castle (Manga)
Castle Origin: Mercury's Castle is named after the Mariner Space Probs that collected information from the planet Mercury.
Name Day: Wednesday (1)
Element: Water
Colors: Blue
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Yellow-Tail Tuna (Hamachi)
Favorite Subject: Math
Worst Subject: None
Hobbies: Reading, Computers, Chess, Swimming
Strengths: Memory, Strategy, Calculations
Fears & Weaknesses: Love Letters, Relaxation
Favorite Animal: Cats
Family: Only Child, Parents Divorced, Mother is a doctor, Father an Artist
Lives: Penthouse Apartment with Mother, Tokyo,Japan
School: Juuban JR. High (Crossroads in English dub) and later Juuban senior high.
Class: 2-5 (Season 1, second year[8th grade] fifth class)
Goals: To be a Doctor
Jupiter's Thunder Dragon: Information: Character Profiles: Sailor Mercury: Stats
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